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Dunmore Primary School

Great to be Inspired. Inspired to be Great.

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Dunmore Primary School

Great to be Inspired. Inspired to be Great.

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!


The year 4 teachers are:


Class 9

Dr Amy Strange (Mon, Tues, Wed)

Mrs Mel Bowler (Thurs, Fri)


Class 10

Mr Toby West (Mon, Tues, Wed)

Mrs Lisa Tuck (Thurs, Fri)

We have great TAs; Mrs Launchbury, Mrs Howard, and Mrs Absolom, who support our Year 4 children and their learning.  


During teacher PPA time on Tuesday afternoons, children will be taught by a music specialist, Mrs Scaber, and Mrs Slater, who will teach Class 9 ICT and Class 10 R.E. 



  • Spellings lists for the term are given out at the start of the term and tested weekly.  

  • We expect children to be going on to TTRS for at least 20 minutes a week. In addition there will be a short maths task, eg on Education City, some weeks.

  • Reading Records are checked every Monday by the teacher. We expect your child to have 3 entries in their reading records, with at least one of these to be signed be an adult. 


General Reminders 

  • PE is on  Monday and Wednesday for Class 9 and Monday (Swimming Term 3-4) and Wednesday for Class 10.
  • Water bottles - please ensure your child has a named water bottle in school every day.
  • Please name label all uniform and PE kit.  



Class 9 performing Dinosaur Rap

We prepared a class performance of the poem 'Dinosaur Rap' by John Foster. We hope you enjoy it!

Class 9 Reading Scrapbook pages

Class 9 Shackleton's Journey Comic Strips

We drew comic strips showing the journey Shackleton, Crean and Worsley made across South Georgia to Stromness. Each group chose a problem the men encountered (crevasse, gully, glacier, mountain) and thought about how they might have crossed that challenge. We are really proud of our work and loved making our comic strips.

Class 9 Marching Songs - performances

As part of our work on Shackleton's Journey, in english lessons we have been writing marching songs to inspire the crew as they marched across the ice following the destruction of The Endurance. Those that wanted to, performed their pieces to be recorded. We had great fun writing these and hope you enjoy them!

Daniel marching.mp3

Mia marching.mp3

Maria marching.mp3

Molly marching.mp3

Freddy and Sophia marching.mp3

Joe and Cormac marching.mp3

Elliott marching.mp3

Eva and Phoebe marching.mp3

Leah marching.mp3

Lucy marching.mp3

Oscar and Ollie marching.mp3

Class 9 Lyric writing performances

As part of music week, in english lessons we have been writing song lyrics to two different pieces of music. Those that wanted to, performed their pieces to be recorded, and you can enjoy them below. What a talented class of song writers!

Maria rap performance

Mia rap performance

Ollie rap performance

Cormac rap performance

Phoebe rap performance

Sophia rap performance

Siyan rap performance

Phoebe song performance

Ollie song performance

Mia song performance

Maria song performance

Eevee song performance

Daniel song Performance
