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Dunmore Primary School

Great to be Inspired. Inspired to be Great.

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Dunmore Primary School

Great to be Inspired. Inspired to be Great.

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3! 


Year 3 teachers 


                              Mrs Perks                        

                  Mrs S Bennett                     Mrs R Perks                  Mrs K Hughes


During teacher PPA time on Monday afternoons, children will be taught by a music specialist, Mrs Scaber, and Mrs Slater, who will teach ICT.

An Introduction to year 3 -2024

Year 3 Teaching Assistants

General Reminders

  • PE is every Wednesday and Thursday.
  • Parents now need to provide a healthy snack for morning playtime in Y3.
  • Please ensure your child has a named water bottle in school. 



The children should read daily with at least three entries in the reading record per week.



15 minutes: Times Table Rock Stars

15 minutes: Education City


Friday Tests

There will be weekly spellings and times tables to learn for a test on a Friday.

Science Trip To Abingdon School To Learn About Rocks And Soils.

Some highlights from Year 3 2022-23...

A Visit from Sandy the Dog

Making Roman Shields

Year 3 Roman Day- Chedworth Roman Villa

Mount Vesuvius Paintings

Sports Day

Year 4 share their leaflets about Stone Farm (residential trip)

Mr Price visits to teach us about life at school for a Roman child

We designed and constructed working Roman aqueducts on DT day.

Coronation Celebrations

Pizza Express Visit

Class assemblies

Electric Exercise

Useful websites
