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Dunmore Primary School

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Dunmore Primary School

Great to be Inspired. Inspired to be Great.

SEN Transition

SEN Transition

How we support children/young people with SEN leaving our school

During the summer term, all staff liaise closely gathering relevant information in order to make the transition into the next year group as smooth as possible. This may mean that additional resources are developed or purchased in preparation for the following year, or teachers may plan additional transition days so that children with SEND get to know their new classroom and teacher(s) better.

On these days, the children will have the opportunity to spend time in their new class with their new teacher.  This time is spent carrying out ‘Getting to Know Me’ type activities.  We have found that such days have helped greatly to reduce possible anxieties or to answer any questions which the children may have.

The SENCO and the Year 6 teachers from Dunmore Primary School work very closely with all the secondary schools that your child may move to, this ensures that they know the individual needs of children who have SEND.

If it is felt appropriate, staff from the school that a child is transferring to will be invited to Annual Reviews.  This provides an opportunity for them to meet the current class teacher, parents and most importantly, the pupil.  We have found this strategy particularly useful in easing any worries or concerns parents and pupils may have.

How we support children/young people with SEN starting at our school 

We work closely with the pre-school, Nursery setting or school the child previously attended to make sure we have the correct support and intervention in place for the child to transition successfully to our school.  This may mean a phased start according to the needs of the child in consultation with parents and external adviser where necessary.

How we support children/young people with SEN moving between classes in our school 

Teachers have designated time to pass over information and strategies to the next teacher. Any resources that have been recommended by professional are discussed and passed on.
