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Dunmore Primary School

Great to be Inspired. Inspired to be Great.

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Dunmore Primary School

Great to be Inspired. Inspired to be Great.

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

From September 2024,

Class 5

Mrs Noake will teach Class 5 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Mrs Bartholomew will teach Class 5 on Thursdays and Fridays.

Mrs Rathod will be supporting as Teaching Assistant.


Class 6

Miss Hatley will teach Class 6 every day.

Mrs Ward will be supporting as Teaching Assistant.


We enjoy fun music lessons with our specialist teacher Mrs Scaber. 


Year 2 Presentation for 2024-2025



General Reminders


  • Our PE day is Monday so please make sure your child has a full kit in school that day. 
  • Please include trainers in your PE kit so that we can go outside in the nice weather. 
  • Please make sure jumpers are named!
  • Please provide a water bottle with fresh water every day.



  • We send home a reading book every Friday. You will keep it for one week.
  • We expect your child to read at least 3 times in a week.
  • Please write in the Reading Journal every time you read at home.
  • There are suggestions of activities you can do in the back of the book.
  • Please use the questions at the back of the book to check if your child has understood what they have read. 
  • Spellings also go home on a Friday. These are always linked to the phonics we are learning that week. 
  • We do a spelling check on the following Friday. 
  • We would also like children to play on Times Table Rock Stars regularly.

The following documents might be useful for you:

Common Exception Words Year 1 and 2

Boost parent user guide

Our reading treat bag has a lovely snuggly blanket, a range of books, a cuddly toy and some other treats to enjoy while reading at home. Who will take it home this week?

We love reading!

Learning about the Jewish festival of Purim

Making bug hotels

Investigating a microhabitat!

Class 6 World Book Day Spoons!

We looked at a range of Christian and Jewish "special objects" which are also called artefacts.

Mrs Rathod talked to us about a range of important Hindu artefacts.

Our special objects. We each brought in an object that is special to us and shared why it is special with the class.

Fruit tasting for Science. Is the fruit sweet, sour, bitter or salty? Which one surprised you?
