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Dunmore Primary School

Great to be Inspired. Inspired to be Great.

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Dunmore Primary School

Great to be Inspired. Inspired to be Great.

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

Class 5

Mrs Noake teaches Class 5 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Mrs Bartholomew teaches Class 5 on Thursdays and Fridays.

Mrs Rathod is with us every morning as our amazing Teaching Assistant.


Class 6

Miss Hatley teaches Class 6 every day.

Mrs Ward is with us every morning as our amazing Teaching Assistant.

Mrs Slater teaches us on Tuesday afternoons. 


Both classes enjoy fun music lessons with our specialist teacher Mrs Scaber. 


General Reminders


  • Reading books and reading records need to be in school EVERY day. We change reading books on Fridays. 
  • Please make sure your child has a coat in school every day whatever the weather is like in the morning! Thank you! 
  • Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday in Class 5 and Monday and Thursday in Class 6 so please make sure your child has a full kit in school that day. 
  • Please include trainers and leggings/joggers in your PE kit so that we can go outside as much as possible. 
  • Please make sure jumpers are named and regularly checked as names fade!
  • Please provide a water bottle with fresh water every day.



  • We send home a reading book every Friday. You will keep it for one week.
  • We expect your child to read at least 3 times in a week.
  • Please write in the Reading Journal every time you read at home.
  • There are suggestions of activities you can do in the back of the book.
  • Please use the questions at the back of the book to check if your child has understood what they have read. 
  • Spellings also go home on a Friday. These are linked to the phonics we are learning that week and may include some tricky words (sometimes called common exception words; these words that are not phonically decodable). 
  • We do a spelling check on the following Friday. 
  • We would also like children to play on Times Table Rock Stars regularly.


Please read our Curriculum Letters so that you can help to support your children's learning.
We publish a new one each term so you can see what your child is learning throughout the year. 

Phonics in Year 2

Still image for this video
Autumn Term 1 Phonics Sounds

Phonics in Year 2

Still image for this video
Autumn Term 2 Phonics Sounds

We loved using algorithms to program the bee-bots today! 7.2.25

We are very excited for Naomi Joslyn’s visit to Y1 and Y2 on Wednesday 12th February!

6.2.25 We loved making fruit crumbles today! We tasted a variety of fruits to help us decide what we wanted to use in our own individual crumble. We are excited to bake them and eat them at home!

'Group 'Challenge' in PSHE - today we worked in groups to try and build a bridge that was strong enough to withstand a weight. We certainly rose to the challenge and demonstrated some excellent teamwork!

Looking at a range of Jewish artefacts

Understanding how and why we should wash our hands with warm water and soap. We covered our hands with different coloured glitter to represent different germs. We shook hands with each other and found that the different coloured glitter passed from our hands to our friends! This is how germs are passed around!

RE: Do you have a special object? What makes it special? How does it make you feel? We talked about these questions with our friends and wrote about our special object.

We had a visit from Heather and "Chris" the Christingle! They told us all about the parts of the Christingle and what they mean. We had lots of fun and then we made our own!

Clare came to visit us from the NSPCC. She brought Buddy the speech bubble with her!

Lesson on our school value 'curiosity': today we explored the value 'curiosity' by asking what we thought would happen in different 'fun' experiments.

Our Design and Technology project 'Design a vehicle with a moving part'

We have been developing our ball skills in P.E

Look at our AMAZING cursive handwriting!

Giant reading time!

We loved reading with our grown ups! Thank you for coming!

Which material is best for cleaning up a spill? Investigating what ‘absorbent’ means.



The following documents might be useful for you:

Common Exception Words Year 1 and 2

Boost parent user guide

Here is our reading treat bag. Who will take it home this weekend for some reading fun?
