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Dunmore Primary School

Great to be Inspired. Inspired to be Great.

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Dunmore Primary School

Great to be Inspired. Inspired to be Great.

Governing Body

Welcome to our Governors' section.

Please find details of how our Governing Body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each governor. We have also provided information from the Register of Governor interests. 

The governing body has 12 members. Governors seek to be fully involved in the life of Dunmore Primary School by participating in committee and Full Governing Body meetings and regularly visiting the school.


There are two committees that report to the Full Governing Body meetings:

  • Pupils and Curriculum Committee
  • Finance and Premises Committee


The governing body have collective responsibility for three key roles:

  • ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • holding leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
  • overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure that is money is well spent, including the pupil premium

Governor Attendance 2018-19

Governor Attendance 2019-2020

Governor Attendance 2020-21

Governor attendance 2021-22

Contact: or via the school office

Our Clerk to Governors is Julie Carvell. Email:

Name: Mr David Kendell

Role: Acting Head Teacher

Responsibilities: Reporting on all aspects of the school 

Date of appointment: N/A

Term of office expires: N/A

Appointed by Governing Body

Business/Pecuniary interests: None

Material interests arising through school staff: N/A

Governance role at other educational organisations:N/A 

Name: Dr James Thomson

Role: Chair of Governor's

Responsibilities: Pupils and Curriculum & Finance and Premises committee, Whistleblowing

Date of appointment: 3rd October 2019

Term of office expires: 2nd October 2023

Appointed by Parents

Business/Pecuniary interests: None

Material interests arising through school staff: None

Governance role at other educational organisations: Governing Body Fellow of St. Catherine's College, Oxford

Name: Dr Amy Strange

Role: Staff/School Staff Governor

Responsibilities: Pupil and Curriculum Committee Governor

Date of appointment: 21/11/2022

Term of office expires: 21/11/2026

Appointed by Governing Body

Business/Pecuniary interests: None

Material interests arising through school staff: Member of staff

Governance role at other educational organisations: None

Name: Mr Brian Maddison

Role: Local Authority Governor/Chair of Finance and Premises Committee/Pay Committee

Responsibilities: Health and Safety Governor

Date of appointment: 27th February 2020

Term of office expires: 26th February 2024

Appointed by Local Authority

Business/Pecuniary interests: None

Material interests arising through school staff: None

Governance role at other educational organisations: None

Name: Mrs Annie McLeod

Role: Parent Governor

Date of appointment: 15th September 2020

Term of office expires: 14th September 2024

Appointed by Parents

Business/Pecuniary Interests: None

Material interests arising through school staff: None

Governance role at other educational organisations: None

Name: Mrs Lindsay Powell 

Role: Parent Governor

Date of appointment: 15th September 2020

Term of office expires: 14th September 2024

Appointed by Parents

Business/Pecuniary Interests: None

Material interests arising through school staff: None

Governance role at other educational organisations: None

Name: Mrs Susie Spolander

Role: Co-opted Governor

Responsibilities: Vice-Chair of Governing Board/Chair of Pupil and Curriculum committee/SEN governor

Date of appointment: 1st December 2021

Term of office expires: 30th November 2025

Appointed by Parents

Business/Pecuniary interests: Director of Susie Spolander Educational Consultancy Ltd

Material interests arising through school staff: Teaching Assistant is a cousin

Governance role at other educational organisations: None

Name: Mr James Tweed

Role: Co-opted Governor

Responsibilities: Pupils and Curriculum committee

Date of appointment: 27th February 2020

Term of office expires: 26th February 2024

Appointed by Governing Body

Business/Pecuniary interests: None

Material interests arising through school staff: None

Governance role at other educational organisations: None

Name: Mr Frederick Forder

Role: Parent Governor

Responsibilities: Safeguarding governor/Pupils and Curriculum Committee

Date of appointment: 6th June 2022

Term of office expires: 5th June 2026

Appointed by Parents

Business/Pecuniary interests: None

Material interests arising through school staff: None

Governance role at other educational organisations: None


Name: Teresa Clack

Role: Co-opted governor

Responsibilities: Finance and Premises Committee Governor/Early Years Governor

Date of appointment: 26th January 2023

Term of office expires: 25th January 2027

Appointed by Governing Body

Business/Pecuniary interests: None

Material interests arising through school staff: None

Governance role at other educational organisations: None
